Thursday, March 14, 2013

sister from another mr.

today is my sister in-law's birthday.  

she is strong and kind. smart and simple.  creative and beautiful. 

in all ways inspiring.

she is a mother to look up to. take notes from. somehow she gets it all done, without taking credit. something i admire.

she has 4 awesome kids. kids to be proud of. smart and silly each in their own way. i love them with my whole heart.

jenner loves her. she is his favorite.

remi adores her to.  they are going to be great friends. i dont know why i know this, but i do.  

:: happy birthday audra :: woo :: we love you long time ::

"the more you praise and celebrate life, the more there is in life to celebrate"


Thursday, March 7, 2013

I love you much

it's what he says when he's being sweet.

sometimes I hear it in my ear. sometimes I hear it from across the room. it never gets old. it stops me in my tracks. those four little words bring me back to what's most important.

I love you much.