Friday, December 4, 2015

thankful for just two dudes and one little lady

a thankful round up 

this years thanksgiving was full of family and fun and food...  we started the festivities off at grandma and papa (belinda+ bill) for sunday before thanksgiving dinner.  before we eat dinner there is usually some form of prayer but this year there was a thankful circle instead.  evy had made a thankful stick that was passed around the group where everyone said something they are thankful for.  as the stick made its way around i became somewhat nervous and drawing blanks on what to say.  I mean obviously there are literally a million reasons why I am thankful but none of them came into my brain.  when it finally got to me i was thankful for my little gal who was hiding in my arms and two dudes.  and thats all i said and then very quickly passed the stick on, like the totally awkward person i am. 

thankful for my little gal...  

thankful.  i am thankful she is who she is.  I am thankful she is healthy and happy and has a mind of her own and the will to hold her ground.  endlessly. I am thankful she loves me even when i feel like maybe she shouldn't.  i am thankful for her warm body that comes into my bed every night and snuggles against my back.  I am thankful in the morning when she holds me as tight as she can and doesn't want to be put down.  I am thankful i am the one she wants when she is hurt or sad or just being a stinker.  i am thankful for her smile that lights up a room.  i am thankful for her brain and how incredible intelligent it is.  i am thankful for her heart and that it beats in perfect rhythm with her soul. i am thankful that my little girl is mine.  

thankful for my 2 dudes...  

I am upmost thankful for my husband.  i am thankful that he is handsome and kind and smiles a lot.  i am thankful that he is my life partner.  I am thankful that he has supported my latest journey as a stay at home mom.  i am thankful that he is never demanding or degrading,  he never has expectations beyond reality.  i am thankful that he doesn't care if dinner has been made or laundry done or if the house is clean.  i am thankful that he never says "why didn't you", or "what did you" or any of those finger pointing I'm the bread winner kind of things.  never. ever. i am thankful that when i think about him my heart warms. i am thankful that  he is the person he is,  selfless and kind and not a finger pointer.  i am thankful that my husband is my husband and that it all worked out the way it did. 

i am thankful for my little dude who is smart and kind and asks a million questions every day.  i am thankful he is healthy and handsome and funny.  i am thankful i get to wake him up every morning and race him to get dressed.  i am thankful when i drop him off at school and watch his little body make his way thru a river of bigger kids.  i am thankful that he is so light hearted and endearing and never a mean boy.  i am thankful that he knows right from wrong.  i am thankful for his smile that is big and beautiful.  i am thankful that he wants steak burritos for breakfast every morning.  i am thankful for his imagination.  i am thankful that he is not picky or worrisome or afraid of life.  i am thankful that when he grows up he wants to be just like his dad.  i am thankful that he can take showers and brush his own teeth. i am thankful that he is thankful.  everyday.   


here are some highlights of the rest of our thanksgiving holiday which were spent at the dirty desert, playing in dirt and being dirty...

Thursday, December 3, 2015

a holiday photo shoot and nobody even cried!

we are certainly making grown up progress when we do our annual kids holiday pictures and nobody cry's.  trying to capture these two children is so frustrating that i mostly get angry and irritated and end making the children cry.  this sounds terrible and honestly i hate to admit it, but its the truth.  100% the truth.  

this year is the exception, and hopefully from here on out it is our new normal. 

not that this went 100% perfectly.  it didn't, in fact it started really rough and i almost gave up determined not to lose my cool. i was about to pack up when remi grabbed my cinnamon dolce latte (my all time favorite coffee drink) and ran away with it.  i eventually caught her and promised if she cooperated in pictures she could have the rest... and OMG it worked! 3 minutes later we were done and everybody left happy!