Saturday, March 21, 2015

a new adventure

While life has thrown some curveballs at us, it has also shed new light. New light that is shining brightly. 

A new way of living.  A more passionate way of living. 

When I lost my job of 13 years in October I wasn't sure what I would do. A sense of identity loss and anxiety spread thru me. I felt like I was missing something all the time.  With time it became more normal. But I was still finding my new self. I was happy, but unsettled.  

There were people and things I would miss. Stuff we liked to do that we could no longer afford. Jenner would have to quit his preschool, and that felt bad. Jenner paying the price of less money made me so sad. 

But somehow things all fell into place. Almost as if it was planned.

Now I am in a place of calm. A place where I can do things I love rather than things I'm obligated by a paycheck to do. (Although paychecks are nice).

Jenner started EAK in January at jamacha elementary... Where he goes 5 days a week and loves. And I love. Remi and I spend our days together dropping and picking up brother. Going to the gym, taking care of the house, dancing and just being girls. 

I recently ventured into some interior styling and I love it. calming my inner need for purpose.  

So while change can be scary, it can also lead you in a better direction. 
A new undeveloped direction. 
One full of twists and turns... 
But like any roller coaster, the more twists and turns the more rides you want on it. 

Xo kel 

some recent highlights: