Sunday, October 11, 2015

disneyland isn't the happiest place on earth... heaven is.

our annual mickeys halloween has come and gone and this year we brought along one more little person

this new little person was having a lets ruin everyones time kind of day.  she cried, whined, cried some more. demanded things. ate a ton of candy and when we tried to reason with her that "disneyland is the happiest place on earth"  taya quickly responded "no it isn't, Heaven is".  

we accommodated her for as long as we could and in the end i was about to lose my mind.  half way thru the night frammy took her back to the hotel and called it a night (thank you frammy!!!).  

the rest of us hit the now pleasant streets of disney.  

months ago we had booked a hotel, bought our tickets and planned our disney adventure.  each year we go to celebrate tayas birthday.  a birthday that for her was #8.  a birthday that included sleepovers, cupcakes, weeks long worth of presents. and finally her disney day!

taya is funny.  and clumsy. and super sensitive.  she is wild and adventurous and courageous.  she dances and sings and loves to move her body. 

she requires a bit of energy and has a thought process of her own.  she is sweet and kind and she is remi's imaginary friend. 

on day two of our disney adventure and after some persuading, we went to ca adventure.  our first stop... cars ride and from there the list goes on.  it was a perfect day.  not to hot, not to crowded and only a semi grumpy toddler.  

 in the end we had a blast, enjoyed each other and officially uninvited remi to disneyland for eternity or at least for a while.