Sunday, May 26, 2013

this is me

the funny thing about becoming a parent is your still you. i still like the same things, have the same thoughts. I'm still me.

i don't know why i thought id become this new person.  i guess i always viewed parents as some higher power (which they are of course).  

i love being a mom. i feel like its my calling. what i was meant to do. other than maybe being a singer. 

i love crafting and seeing a creative side of people.  ideas and inventions make me happy.  i love pictures and decorating. and all things girly.

i love shopping and brad hates it. i love new things. new things for me or someone else. it doesn't matter. 

i love kids adventure to.  i love the zoo, seaworld, parks, you name it.  i can spend all day walking around and watching kids of all sizes. mostly i love the outdoors.  i love music and dancing. 

living away from civilization is new to me.  there is something to be said about true peace and quiet.  mother nature at her finest.  stars that light up the sky. 

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were BIG things.

Monday, May 20, 2013

:: a mothers love ::

{happy mothers day} to all the amazing moms in the world. 
moms really don't get enough credit. we watched a documentary last night called "north america" about the wildlife amongst us.  it really just proved that mothers are amazing.  all mothers.  the circle of life while sad, is what keeps the world turning.  life revolves around reproduction and while it takes a male to help with that at the end of the day the mother makes the ultimate sacrifices.  protection, worry, care and love that start from the moment you know your with child.  i never knew the instant stress and worry i would feel for my child.  a child i didn't know yet. 
life is wild
celebrating mothers day with my mom and grandma, as a mom, really gives me true respect for  women. generation after generation of sacrifice, worry, care and love that only a mother knows. 
im beyond thankful for the time my mother has spent worrying about me.  and rightfully so, after wild teenage years.  teenage years that i wish i could take back. teenage years that i do not look forward to with my own children. 
my mother should be proud.  she did it. she made it.  her kids have grown and become successful adults.  we survived.  she survived. 

i hope i survive. 
brad told me just the other night how girls grow up and "live their dream". we dream of becoming moms and playing house.  he was right.  i have been playing "house" my whole life.  there is nothing i wanted more that to have my own real life baby. although i was naive to think that it would be just like playing "house". 
mothers make it look so easy.  its not easy.  at all.  its challenging.  but the more challenging something is the more rewarded you feel.  i feel rewarded every day.  beyond rewarded. 
dreams do come true.
so to all the moms that sacrifice there lives, young and old. thank you.  for without you the circle of life would not continue. 
moms are awesome.  beyond awesome. moms are amazing.