Monday, July 15, 2013

:: beach beach ::
this weekend kicked off one of our first beach adventures. six months ago (yes 6 months!) a site was booked, we were pumped. in the land of freezing internet connections. a space had made it to the cart.

on thursday morning we arrived. brad was out of town so i had the privilige of towing the trailer, kids and myself down to the beach. i must say it was kind of liberating. who needs a man anyways kind of liberating. 
we experienced one of the most beautiful sunsets i have witnessed on thursday night. right then i knew it was going to be a perfect weekend. (ps: this picture does not do it justice)

Monday, July 8, 2013

::let freedom ring::

fourth (4th) of july was filled with booms, smiles, laughter and family.

we watched fireworks on july 3rd at steele canyon golf course (for the second year in a row!) they were awesome!
can i just say that i LOVE fireworks, like truly love them. it doesn’t matter if they are as mere as sparklers or big with booms. they are my favorite.

from there we headed out for a weekend of camping. vail lake was our destination. a kids paradise.


with lots of bike riding, slip and sliding, mini golf, pool time and the clear winner of events… water-sliding the kids had a blast.

i made the mistake of sending jenner down the water-slide by himself. which scared him enough to never want to water-slide again in his life. but i was able to lure him with ice cream to try again. this time with mommy to “keep him safe" as he likes to put it. although the water probably wasn’t as warm as he would have preferred, it was still a blast.

we spent most of our days there outside.
the weekend ended with the celebration of grandma gg’s ninety (90th) birthday! omg 90 years old and seriously over 100 family members there to share the day with her.
i told brad we need to have more kids (like 6 more) because when im 90 (pray i live that long) i want that. i want to have a birthday party with all my kids and their kids and their kids kids kids (okay you get the point) needless to say, big happy birthday to her! and wow what an accomplishment. if you do nothing else with your life besides birth 8 kids, you have done well.

Monday, July 1, 2013

{can an old dog learn new tricks}

as i venture into the world of new creations, i wonder, can an old dog learn new tricks?
i feel the need to be creative, in a new way, with new technology. but as i read the "how to's" i dont absorb the information.  is that normal? or am i just an old dog.  steve jobs said "anyone over thirty can't be trusted" and at first i think wow what a jerk.  but then it hits me. and i know why he said that.  we are stuck in our own little rut we've created for ourselves. and to think out of the box, or learn something new, just sounds really scary.
but im going to learn some new things in the year of 33 (my birthday is soon approaching).  in the year of 33 i will learn more about photography.  like what apeature really is. or how to adjust an ISO.  I also want to work more on being creative in general.  and loving what i do.  not putting out work im not happy with...
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle."
i've always needed to slow down, take my time. and while thats hard for me.  its something that i think i should practice at.  and with time, eventually i will stop rushing thru life.

6 months of sweetness

our sweet baby girl is 6 months now.

she is beautiful. 

she loves her brother, and he loves her.
she sleeps through the night. 
she loves to jump. 
she loves to eat.  she can sit. she has big beautiful eyes. she laughs.  she smiles.  she loves mornings. 

she has an obesession with her momma.

she loves the pool and being outdoors.

she is sweet as pie.