Saturday, January 4, 2014

a {remi girl} update

remmers is now 15 months. 

she is funny.

she loves shoes. loves them. sparkly toms or oversized boots. 

she can say shoes, poppa, daddy, bella, apple, dog, kitty, more, milk & momma. she has said jenner twice before but she has yet to call for him by name. she babbles constantly.  she will tattle and praise. although none is understood. she speaks with authority. bossy. 

she loves to be outdoors.

she loves caden. and he loves her.

{2014} happy new year… happy birthday evynn !

i realized on new years eve that I'm not excited for a new year.  i just want time to stop. not to continue in a rapid fashion as it is.  with each new year our children grow. they grow at a pace i can't keep up with.  i want my babies to stay babies. forever. 

i spent the day with evy gal celebrating her #5. 

she is sweet and caring. she is silly. she can play like a boy. but she's still girly. she is jenners favorite.  she has a beautiful smile.  she is loving.  she is tough. she is a trooper.  she is a pleaser. she is always hungry. 

she is a princess and we love her to the moon & back.