Tuesday, April 22, 2014

easter at the ranch

spring break + easter has arrived.
bill and belinda took five {yes 5} kids to the river for a spring break vacation.  brave grandparents or good kids. maybe both. 

other spring break fun happened.  bayside bike rides and soccer games.

evy + jenner started their first season of soccer.  in which the LOVED.  jenner wore his soccer gear (shin guards and all) the entire day before practice.

 easter soon approached and egg dying fun was had.


Easter crafts were made and lots of bunny talk was had.  although we didnt make it to sit on a bunny lap, which jenner questioned after the fact (had i known he remembered such things i would have made more effort).  

on easater the bunny even brought a bucket of chicks to our house!  remgem loves them!  (We have had chickens on and off for over a year. but somehow our dogs keep making them disappear.  this time though i will try harder to keep them safe. )

 easter morning jenner awoke excited.  excited for the hunt ahead of him.  excited to see if the much anticipated bunny had come.  

the bunny sent jenner on a hunt.  a series of drawings were left all around the house. and with few directions he solved them.

this year for easter we stayed in town and hosted friends and family out at our home in the country.  lots of kids and lots of food made for a celebration. 

this little gal of mine. im gonna let her shine... an {18 month} overview

she has a list of wants when she awakes and when she tires. {allie, kitty, softy and saucy} are all on the list.  as she patters to + from her bed with her arms full of soft little toys.  

she has a look in her eyes that tells you she knows what she wants.  she is strong and willful. playful and clever.  she knows right from wrong. and rides the line very closely.  she likes her shoes off in the car.  and will yell at you until you reach your thankfully long arm around to the back seat and remove them, all while driving.  

she likes water and milk and knows the difference. if she asks for milk she wants milk and vice versa.  you can try to persuade her but usually its better to give her what she asks for.  

 she loves the outdoors and will linger around outside for hours, with her birthday suit on.  she gets dirty, pets the dogs and chases the kitty.  she will splash in water and loves the jacuzzi.  she likes to jump and sing, chit chat, run & laugh.  she thinks its fun for me to chase her. fun for her, not so fun for me. 

she loves her mommy + daddy, but mostly she loves jenner.  

she can say a variety of words, and has the cutest little voice when she says "yes". very clearly and practiced over and over.  a much better word than "no" but I'm sure thats coming.

i don't look forward to the moment when i don't know her like i know her now.  for now i know what she wants before she speaks, i know what she likes and what order she wants to start her day.  i know when she's happy, sad, tired or excited. and i want to know these things forever.